HeartMath® WORKSHOPS with Olivia Wade

Online, experiential workshops with certified HeartMath® Coach and Mentor Olivia Wade are aimed at increasing emotional resilience so you can do more of what you love by managing stress and anxiety in real-time – and even before it occurs.

Are you burnt out? Drained? Anxious? Depleted? Angry? Overwhelmed? Reactionary?
Trying to find balance? In great need of more calm and peace?
Are you feeling overwhelmed with the holidays coming up? Are you feeling disconnected and overworked? Are you stressed about things you wish you weren’t stressed about?

Do you wish there was something that could help you to better manage your stress and emotions? Would you like to learn strategies for more efficient and less stressful communication?

If you answered “Yes!” to any (or all) of these questions, this is the workshop for you!

ABOUT HeartMath®

For more than 25 years, the HeartMath Institute has been researching the heart-brain connection and discovering how the heart influences our perceptions, emotions, intuition, and health. Out of this research has come HeartMath, a system of effective tools and techniques that anyone can use with a little guidance and practice.

Learn from certified HeartMath® Coach and Mentor Olivia Wade to implement these techniques and reduce stress & anxiety, improve productivity & communication, and balance the mind-body connection. These simple tools, resting upon the principles of mindfulness-based stress reduction practices and biofeedback, can be used anywhere anytime.


This experiential workshop is aimed at increasing your resilience so you can do more of what you love by managing stress – in real-time – and even before it occurs.

Workshop Format: We will open with a half hour of HeartMath overview, followed by a group regulation exercise. We will then flow into a workshop model where individual participants will be encouraged to look at specific stressors in their lives and discover the ways in which HeartMath techniques can be directly applied to them to create Coherence. Coherence is the state in which the heart, mind, and emotions are in energetic alignment and co-operation. The workshop will conclude with a demonstration on coherent communication and how listening from a place of coherence can significantly decrease misunderstanding and conflict, increasing the feeling of being fully seen and heard.

You will learn:

  • HeartMath's Quick Coherence Technique and why cultivating resilience is vital.

  • The basic science of how the human heart interfaces with our world and emotions.

  • How to work with the HeartMath Depletion and Renewal Grid to better understand your emotional responses and how they affect your body and, by extension, determine where your energy is being renewed and where your energy is being drained.

  • You will learn how to begin to self-regulate your emotions and better manage your stress responses. And finally, you will learn how we are ultimately all connected by the incredible power of our hearts.

*GoogleMeet Link will be sent upon registration.

For more information, reach out to us at info@backtoheartcenter.com or call / text us (413) 200-2801

Olivia’s workshop was so powerful and shifted my energy immediately. It was such a beautiful blend of learning scientifically-backed HeartMath® techniques and doing experiential exercises for deeper integration, which felt like the perfect combination to fully understand its impact in mind, body, and spirit. I walked away with simple tips that I could use right away and have been putting them into practice since! I highly recommend attending, it’s packed with so much value and just being in Olivia’s energy is always such a huge gift to receive! She is the living embodiment of her work as you’ll see with her passion and presence. Don’t miss out!
— Gillian S., Nutritionist